For fits in the first half of pregnancy — see Fits — seizures
Cause of fits — 20 or more weeks pregnant (gestation)
- Eclampsia — fit occurring in a woman with preeclampsia or pregnancy-associated high BP
- Can occur up to 3 weeks postpartum
- Epilepsy, alcohol withdrawal, petrol sniffing, head injury, meningitis, encephalitis,
stroke, low blood glucose, electrolyte abnormalities
Do first
- Call for help — have helper call for urgent medical consult straight away
- Give oxygen to
- Target O2 sats 94–98%
- OR if moderate/severe COPD 88-92%
- Put in recovery position on left side — Figure 1.20
- Put in 2 IV cannulas — take blood for BGL, electrolytes
- Manage as eclampsia — even if woman epileptic
- Give magnesium sulfate IV — loading dose 4g, over 10 minutes
- Draw up 4g (8mL) of magnesium sulfate 50% — in 20mL syringe
- Add 12mL sterile water or saline to the same syringe to make a 20% solution (4gm in
- Give this 4g magnesium sulfate 20% solution IV over 10 minutes using a burette attached
to infusion pump
- If no infusion pump — give as push over 10 minutes
- Start magnesium sulfate IV infusion
- IV infusion — 4g (8mL) at 1g/hr for 24 hour THEN review for cessation/continuation
- Add 4g (8mL) to 100mL normal saline
- Run solution at 25mL/hr through infusion pump
- Label 'Magnesium sulfate 4g in normal saline 100mL'
- OR if no infusion pump or no IV access — give magnesium sulfate IM
- Straight after IV loading dose — give magnesium sulfate deep IM — 10g (20mL) in 2 doses — 1 dose (5g/10mL) in each buttock. Use 21G needle
- THEN give magnesium sulfate IM — 5g (10mL) every 4 hours — until woman evacuated
- If fit continues for more than 3–5 minutes OR fits again during maintenance treatment
- Repeat magnesium sulfate IV loading dose
- Get ready to give midazolam — see Fits — medical consult
- Magnesium sulfate and midazolam together can put breathing at risk. Be ready to manage
airway and breathing
- Monitor BP, patella reflexes, RR for respiratory depression, urine output (aim for
0.5mL/kg/hr) and note if further seizures occur
- Stop maintenance treatment and do medical consult if
- Patella reflex absent
- RR less than 16 breaths/min
- Urine output less than 0.5mL/kg/hr
- If RR less than 12 breaths/min or woman stops breathing
Do not
- Do not leave woman unattended
- Do not leave woman on her back
- Do not let woman eat or drink anything
- Airway and breathing — after fit has stopped
- History in file notes
- How many weeks gestation (pregnant)
- BP reading in early pregnancy
- Medical problems — epilepsy, alcohol or petrol use, high BP, kidney disease
- Calculate REWS — AVPU, RR, O2 sats, pulse, BP, Temp
- Weight, BGL
- Coma scale score, pupil reactions
- Head-to-toe exam — with attention to
- Observations every 15 minutes for at least 1 hour after seizure — examine carefully
for sickness or injury that may have caused fit. Consider meningitis, head injury, stroke
- Vaginal loss, signs of labour
- Medical consult — doctor should consult obstetrician early
- Talk with doctor about sending to hospital, BP control, steroids for foetal lung maturation
- If airway blocked or noisy breathing — put in nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal airway.
If they spit out or gag — leave out. Consider gentle suctioning of mouth
- Use tilt/wedge to position on left side
- If BGL less than 4mmol/L — see Low blood glucose
- Put in indwelling urinary catheter
- Measure urine output hourly — aim for 0.5mL/kg/hr