Aptima swab  Collecting swabs

Nappy rash 


Nasal packing 

Nasal packing

Nasogastric tube

adult  Putting in nasogastric tube (NGT)

child Putting in nasogastric tube (NGT)

insertion adult   Putting in nasogastric tube (NGT)

insertion child   Putting in nasogastric tube (NGT)

National disability insurance scheme 

Child development concerns (0-5 years)


Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting

assessment table  Acute assessment of nausea and vomiting

hyperemesis gravidarum Common discomforts of pregnancy


Child development concerns (0-5 years)

Neck injury

Injuries — spinal

Neck stiffness and management 

Stiff neck

Necrotising fasciitis

Injuries — soft tissue


child  Child neglect, abuse and cumulative harm

Nerve and ring blocks 

Nerve and ring blocks

Nerve blocks

hand infiltration sites  Nerve and ring blocks

Newborn care

observations  Newborn care

risk factors  Newborn care

Newborn resuscitation

equipment Birth and resuscitation equipment


care Newborn care

hypoglycaemia Newborn care

keeping warm Keeping baby warm after birth

postnatal care Postnatal care of baby

respiratory distress Newborn care

resuscitation Newborn resuscitation

screening Newborn screening test

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) 





breast examination  Breast examination

discharge Breast problems

problems Breast problems


bleeding Breastfeeding — common issues

cracked Breastfeeding — common issues

sore Breastfeeding — common issues

thrush Breastfeeding — common issues

Nitrate therapy 

Chest pain


Skin infections

Non-consensual sex 

Sexual assault in adults

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Pain management (acute)

Non-tension pneumothorax 

Injuries — chest

Nose bleed 

Nose bleeds (epistaxis)

Nose fracture 

Broken bones — simple and compound fractures

Nose procedures

packing  Nasal packing

Nutrition and diet 

Healthy lifestyle choices


antenatal Antenatal parent education

baby up to 6 months  Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)

baby  Infant and child nutrition

child  Infant and child nutrition

infant  Infant and child nutrition

iron-rich foods  Infant and child nutrition

postnatal mother  Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)

pregnancy Antenatal parent education

solid foods  Infant and child nutrition

toddler Infant and child nutrition