
collecting blood  Collecting blood from babies and children


anaemia Anaemia (weak blood) in children and youth

deceased Stillbirth

growth Infant, child, youth growth (0-17 years)

keeping warm Keeping baby warm after birth

nappy rash  Rashes

needing special care Newborn care

newborn care Newborn care

newborn hypoglycaemia Newborn care

newborn respiratory distress Newborn care

postnantal care Postnatal care of baby

urinary tract infection  Urine problems (2 months to 12 years)

Back injury

Injuries — spinal


Plaster of Paris (POP) slabs

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Eye problems

Bacterial vaginosis

Vaginal discharge


drugs Volatile substance misuse

Balloon catheter insertion

posterior nasal packing  Nasal packing


arms and hands  Bandaging

elbows and knees  Bandaging

head  Bandaging

legs and feet  Bandaging

protruding objects  Bandaging

Bariatric surgery 


Barrier contraception 

Barrier contraception

Bartholin’s abscess 

Vulval problems

Bartholin’s cyst

Genital ulcers and lumps

Bartholin’s cyst 

Vulval problems

Battle's sign 

Injuries — head


anxiety  Anxiety

Behavioural concerns 

School aged child and youth behaviour or development concerns


low  Hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose)

Bicillin L-A injections

Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD)

Bimanual and aortic compression

postpartum haemorrhage Bimanual and aortic compression

Bimanual compression

postpartum haemorrhage  Bimanual and aortic compression

Bipolar affective disorder

Combined checks for chronic conditions


assisting Quick guide to helping with a birth

breech Breech birth

care of baby Quick guide to helping with a birth

contractions Labour and birth

deliver placenta Labour and birth

equipment Birth and resuscitation equipment

heavy bleeding Primary postpartum haemorrhage

helping Quick guide to helping with a birth

immediate care of baby Labour and birth
Newborn care

immediate care of the mother Care of mother — first 24 hours after birth

multiple Twin birth

newborn hypoglycaemia Newborn care

newborn respiratory distress Newborn care

postnatal care of mother Postnatal care of mother

retained placenta Retained placenta

shoulder dystocia  Shoulder dystocia (stuck shoulder)

stages of labour Labour and birth

stillborn Stillbirth

stuck shoulder Shoulder dystocia (stuck shoulder)

twin Twin birth

vaginal tearing Tears of the birth canal


centipede Bites and stings — snake, spider, centipede and scorpion

redback spider Bites and stings — snake, spider, centipede and scorpion

scorpion Bites and stings — snake, spider, centipede and scorpion

snake Bites and stings — snake, spider, centipede and scorpion

spider  Bites and stings — snake, spider, centipede and scorpion


animal  Bites — animal or human

cat  Bites — animal or human

crocodile Bites — animal or human

fly eye Eye problems

human  Bites — animal or human

marine Bites, stings and poisonings — marine

teeth  Bites — animal or human

Bladder infection

pregnancy Urine infections in pregnancy

Bladder infection 

Urine problems — over 12 years

Bladder palpation 

Abdominal examination


Injuries — bleeding

gum socket  Dental care procedures

in pregnancy Bleeding in pregnancy

nose  Nose bleeds (epistaxis)

placenta praevia  Bleeding in pregnancy

postpartum haemorrhage  Secondary postpartum haemorrhage

vagina Abnormal vaginal bleeding in non-pregnant women

vaginal   Vaginal bleeding

vaginal  Genital examination — female

warfarin  Warfarin

Bleeding in pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding

Bleeding limb 

Injuries — bleeding

Bleeding scalp wound

Injuries — head

Blocked milk ducts

Breastfeeding — common issues

Blocked tubes

infertility  Infertility

Blood clots

pregnancy Thromboembolism (blood clots) during and after pregnancy

Blood collection

babies and children  Collecting blood from babies and children

blood cultures Collecting blood samples

microtainer  Collecting blood from babies and children

pathology  Collecting blood samples

test strip or blotter Collecting blood from babies and children

using butterfly needle   Putting in butterfly IV needle

using cuvette  Collecting blood from babies and children

Blood cultures

procedure  Collecting blood samples

Blood fats

Assessing and reducing cardiovascular risk

Blood glucose testing

with blood glucose meter  Testing for diabetes mellitus — blood glucose and HbA1c

Blood Glucose

high  Diabetes

Blood glucose

diabetes  Diabetes

high in pregnancy Diabetes in pregnancy

targets in pregnancy Diabetes in pregnancy

testing  Diabetes

Blood poisoning

Early recognition of sepsis

Blood pressure

high Hypertension (High BP)

measurement adults and children  Clinical measurements

pregnancy Hypertension (high BP) in pregnancy

Blood samples

order of collection  Collecting blood samples

pathology tubes and tests  Collecting blood samples

Blood slide

procedure  Collecting blood samples

Blood sugar

low  Hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose)

Blood tests and tubes required 

Collecting blood samples

Blood tests

common tests explained Collecting blood samples

Blood thinner medicine 


Blood under nails

removal  Injuries — fingernails and toenails

Blue ringed octopus bite 

Bites, stings and poisonings — marine

Blue ringed octopus

sting  Bites, stings and poisonings — marine

Blue ringed octopus​ 

Immobilisation for a snake bite

Body Mass Index BMI

calculation  Clinical measurements

Body mass index 


Body measurements

adult waist   Clinical measurements

BMI calculation   Clinical measurements

BMI interpretation  Clinical measurements

height Clinical measurements

weight   Clinical measurements


Skin infections

Bone fractures

simple and compound  Broken bones — simple and compound fractures

Bone infection 

Bone infection

Bowel obstruction

Abdominal pain

Box jellyfish sting

Bites, stings and poisonings — marine

Box jellyfish

sting  Bites, stings and poisonings — marine

Brackish water skin infections 

Water-related skin infections

Breast cancer

Breast cancer — screening

Breast milk

low supply  Breastfeeding — common issues


abscess Breastfeeding — common issues

cancer Breast cancer — screening

changes Breast problems

engorgement Breastfeeding — common issues

examination Breast examination

infection Breastfeeding — common issues

lumps Breast problems

mastitis Breastfeeding — common issues

pain Breast problems

problems Breast problems

screening  Breast cancer — screening

tenderness Breast problems


alcohol and other drugs Breastfeeding

assessment Breastfeeding

attachment  Breastfeeding

blood borne viruses Breastfeeding

common issues Breastfeeding — common issues

expressing Breastfeeding

HTLV-1  Human T Cell Leukaemia Virus type 1 (HTLV-1)

medicines Breastfeeding

milk supply Breastfeeding — common issues

newborn baby Newborn care

older babies Breastfeeding

problems Breastfeeding — common issues

storing breast milk Breastfeeding

weaning Breastfeeding


Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)

Breath sounds

auscultation  Lungs and respiratory system examination

Breathing function measurements 

Lungs and respiratory system examination

Breathing problems in adults

assessment table Acute assessment of breathing problems in adults

Breathing problems in adults 

Acute assessment of breathing problems in adults

Breathing problems in children

assessment table Acute assessment of breathing problems in children

Breathing problems in children 

Acute assessment of breathing problems in children

Breathing problems

pulmonary oedema  Pulmonary oedema


assisted  Keeping airway open and assisting breathing

chest and lung examination  Lungs and respiratory system examination

sleep disorders  Breathing related sleep disorders


preeclampsia Preeclampsia

Breech birth

Breech birth

Brief Interventions

5 A’s  Brief interventions

FRAMES  Brief interventions

Brief interventions 

Brief interventions

Broken bones 

Broken bones — simple and compound fractures

Broken Jaw 

Dental and oral problems

Broken ribs 

Injuries — chest


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchiectasis in adults

checks  Combined checks for chronic conditions

child  Chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis in children

infant Chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis in children


Chest infections (2 months to 5 years)


Chest infections — over 5 years

Bubble PEP 

Chest physiotherapy


eye Eye injuries


acid  Burns

alkali  Burns

chemical  Burns

community management  Burns

dressing Burns

dressings  Burns

electrical  Burns

major Burns

minor Burns

thermal  Burns

Butterfly IV needle

Putting in butterfly IV needle

Butterfly needle

insertion  Putting in butterfly IV needle