PO Box 4066 Alice Springs NT 0871
P: +61 8 8951 4700
General Enquiries: remotephcmanuals@flinders.edu.au
Stillbirth — any baby 20 or more weeks gestation or weighs 400g or more who doesn't show any sign of life at birth such as breathing, heartbeat or movement
Miscarriage — pregnancy loss at less than 20 weeks gestation or weight less than 400g
Medical consult about
If mother agrees to go to hospital
If mother refuses hospital transfer
If mother consents to autopsy for baby
Transporting autopsy specimens
If mother doesn't consent to autopsy for baby
Supporting resources
PO Box 4066 Alice Springs NT 0871
P: +61 8 8951 4700
General Enquiries: remotephcmanuals@flinders.edu.au