PO Box 4066 Alice Springs NT 0871
P: +61 8 8951 4700
General Enquiries: remotephcmanuals@flinders.edu.au
Grief is a normal response to loss. Loss may be a death or other things such as someone going/being away, loss of culture or identity, job or home. Can be a series of large or small losses over time. Can occur before the loss has happened (anticipatory grief)
Aboriginal communities have high levels of grief because of the many deaths from illness and injury. Deaths that are sudden, violent, or involve young people often cause worse grief reactions. People at greater risk of grief reactions there are also other stressors or worries, socially isolated, problems with depression, drug or alcohol misuse
Be sensitive to local culture. All communities are different. Aboriginal communities may follow some or all of these practices after a death
PO Box 4066 Alice Springs NT 0871
P: +61 8 8951 4700
General Enquiries: remotephcmanuals@flinders.edu.au