Sick child with fever AND
Possible cause
Reduced alertness OR floppiness OR poor feeding OR weak/high-pitched cry
Seizures OR stiffening OR abnormal gaze
Headache OR neck stiffness OR photophobia OR bulging fontanelle
OR Non-blanching rash
Meningitis — medical consult
Increased work of breathing — fast or slow, gasping, grunting, stridor, nasal flaring,
head bob, chest indrawing
OR Apnoea
OR Hypoxia — oxygen saturation less than 94% or not improving with oxygen
Chest infection OR Bronchiolitis — medical consult
Sore red throat OR enlarged tonsils OR enlarged lymph nodes
Sore throat
Arthritis (painful, swollen joint/s) OR impaired/reluctant weight bearing or use of a limb (+/- rash, +/- chorea (abnormal
Acute rheumatic fever OR septic arthritis OR osteomyelitis — medical consult
Bulging ear drum
OR pain, irritability
Acute otitis media
Redness OR mass OR discharge from skin
Skin infection
Abscess or cellulitis
Soft stridor OR unable to eat OR drink or talk OR drooling saliva
Reluctant to move neck/head
Epiglottitis — minimal handling —
urgent medical consult
New bed wetting/incontinence (small child)
OR dysuria and frequency (older child)
Urinary tract infection 2 months–12 years — medical consult
Blood in urine OR oedema OR raised BP
Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN)
Fever of unknown origin and REWS score 2 or less
- Wipe forehead with tepid cloth
- Maintain hydration
- If miserable provide one dose paracetamol, observe for 1 hour — if no improvement
— medical consult