
A widely used and highly regarded resource in remote health across central, northern, and remote Australia, the Remote Primary Health Care Manuals support and promote good clinical practice in primary health care.

Medicines Book cover

Medicines Book

Medicines Book for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners

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Reference and Change Report

This document provides the evidence to support the protocols in the Remote Primary Health Care Manuals and sets out the key changes for each protocol in the new editions


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We have partnered with a range of organisations to compile our resources portal. This provides access to training, health promotion and educational resources, that support health professionals to provide culturally-safe, accessible, and responsive healthcare in remote Aboriginal Health Service settings. Links are provided to:

  • Printable resources from the Remote Primary Health Care Manuals
  • Training and resources that encourage critical reflection on the concept of cultural safety and support collaborative and respectful work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities
  • Health promotion resources (by topic area) developed specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Training programs that provide further education on remote primary health care

Find a resource


Manuals for clinicians can now be ordered from our online bookshop!

To place an order please click here
Please note that there is currently a limit of two copies for each manual.

For free shipping: select the 'Local Pickup' option and put your delivery address into the ‘Billing address’ section.
If you have queries please email RPHCM:

The RPHCM Antibiotics doses table can now be downloaded and printed out in A3 (x2 - see above)

Please go to  printable resources and print out Antibiotic doses table 1 and table 2 in A3 landscape

The Remote Primary Health Care Manuals acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians, both past and present, at the various locations where the Manuals are used, and recognises their continued relationship and responsibility to these Lands and waters.

Our partners

The Remote Primary Health Care Manuals are governed by a Joint Venture Agreement between four partners,
with funding and support from the Australian Government Department of Health.