Facial swelling

Dental and oral problems

Faecal specimen

collection  Collecting faeces and parasites


worms  Worms

Faltering growth

action plan  Infant, child, youth growth (0-17 years)

Family violence

Domestic and family violence


planning  Preconception care


baby Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)

breastfeeding Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)

complementary Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)

formula Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)

newborn baby Newborn care

solid foods Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)


Charcot foot  Feet

daily care  Feet

examination  Feet

high risk  Feet

wounds  Feet

Female catheterisation

procedure  Female catheterisation

Ferinject intravenous administration

Giving iron by IV infusion


asthma Asthma in adults


Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD)

melioidosis  Melioidosis

meningitis  Meningitis

Finger dislocation 

Reducing dislocated or pulled joints

Finger injuries 

Injuries — fingers

Finger nerve block 

Nerve and ring blocks

Finger or toe fracture 

Broken bones — simple and compound fractures

Finger prick

blood collection Collecting blood from babies and children

Finger splinting 



injuries  Injuries — fingernails and toenails

First food 

Infant and child nutrition

Fish hook removal

fingers  Injuries — fingers


poisoning  Bites, stings and poisonings — marine


flow chart  Fits — seizures

medicines  Fits — seizures

meningitis  Meningitis

pregnancy (20+gestation) Fits in the second half of pregnancy

prevention in pregnancy  Preeclampsia

Flail chest 

Injuries — chest

Flash burn

eye Eye injuries

Fluid loss

continuous Premature rupture of membranes

sudden Premature rupture of membranes

Fluid overload in peritoneal dialysis 

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

fluorescein staining to detect surface eye injury

Eye procedures

Fluoride varnish 

Protective dental procedures


hot  Menopause

Fly bite

eye Eye problems

Folate deficiency

pregnancy  Anaemia (weak blood) in pregnancy

Foot fracture 

Broken bones — simple and compound fractures

Foot nerve blocks

infiltration sites  Nerve and ring blocks


diabetes  Diabetes

ulcer  Diabetes

Forced expiratory volume 

Lungs and respiratory system examination

Forced vital capacity 

Lungs and respiratory system examination

Forearm splint 


Foreign body

choking  Choking

inhaled Chest infections (2 months to 5 years)

Foreskin reduction 

Reduction of a tight foreskin

Formula feeding

Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)


adoption Unplanned pregnancy


closed  Injuries — limbs

compound  Injuries — limbs

femur  Injuries — limbs

humerus  Injuries — limbs

open  Injuries — limbs

thigh  Injuries — limbs

upper arm  Injuries — limbs

Fractured bones 

Broken bones — simple and compound fractures

Fractured pelvis 

Injuries — abdomen and pelvis

Fractured ribs

Injuries — chest

Fractured skull 

Injuries — head


complications  Broken bones — simple and compound fractures

Fresh water skin infections 

Water-related skin infections

Full male sexual health check

STI checks for men

Full thickness burn 


Fundal height

Unborn baby's growth

Fungal lesions

skin sample  Collecting body fluids, viral cultures, skin specimens