What you do
- Follow manufacturer instructions for non-invasive haemoglobin monitor
- Check sensor is connected to machine and cable is not twisted or damaged
- Turn on power and type in persons demographics (HRN and gender) if prompted
- Press ‘measure SpHb’ button
- Record reading — note some machines will only display and hold data for 5 minutes
- Turn off machine and clean with multi-purpose disinfectant wipe or soft damp (not
wet) cloth. Machine does not need sterilising
OR if not available use haemoglobinometer
- If site dirty — wipe with swab and/or clean water and let dry completely
- Loosely hold finger or heel pointing downward — do not squeeze
- Prick finger or heel using lancet — let drop of blood form
- Pressing firmly against skin can give better puncture and blood flow
- Wipe away first 3 drops of blood
- Let fourth drop form, put cuvette tip into middle of drop, let cuvette fill by itself
— Figure 5.19. Blood will flow easily into collection area