Mental Health & Alcohol and Other Drugs

Health and wellbeing resources to promote mental health and address substance use.

Mental Health

AIMhi mental health assessment tool

Menzies assessement form

Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment — cognitive component

Mental Health Medication Story poster

Menzies patient education resource

Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)

Suicide prevention resources

Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention resources

Social and Emotional Wellbeing


Range of SEWB resources

AIMhi resources

Menzies resources to build resilience and wellbeing 

Mental Health & wellbeing resources

Mental Health Association of Central Australia health promotion resources

Stay strong planning — brief treatment manual

Menzies Aboriginal and Islander Mental health initiative (AIMhi)

Stay strong plan — four page assessment tool

Menzies Aboriginal and Islander Mental health initiative (AIMhi)


Range of resources

Alcohol and Other Drugs


Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre

AIMhi AOD assessment tool

Menzies assessement form

Alcohol and Drug Foundation Booklets

Range of patient education resources

CAYLUS substance abuse resources

Sniffing and solvent abuse resources

Positive choices resources

Range of patient education resources    

Positive choices services

AOD services information


Deadly Choices quit smoking resources

Range of tobacco cessation resources

Tackling Indigenous Smoking

Range of tobacco cessation resources

Volatile substance misuse

Volatile substance abuse prevention Act (NT)

Health Promotion Menu