
Our reviewers are specialist and context experts and users of the manuals. Reviewers ensure that our content is both current and evidence-based and is relevant and applicable to Indigenous remote primary health care settings. 

Reviewers are allocated as Primary or Secondary Reviewers based on their knowledge and experience and assigned relevant topic areas. 

Become a Reviewer

Meet our Cultural Advisors

Celia Harnas Aboriginal Health Practitioner
Julie Wright
Aboriginal Health Practitioner, Women’s Health Coordinator
Karina DeMasi Senior Policy Officer, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Professional, Registered Nurse and Midwife

Kerry Taylor Associate Professor, Registered Nurse
Lynette Windsor
 Aboriginal Health Practitioner, SWSBSC coordinator 

Meet our Primary Reviewers


Alex Wetten Senior Policy Officer, Dietitian
Anthea Brand Academic, Dietitian
Christine Becker Team Leader, Child and Family Health Nurse
David Atkinson Professor & Clinical Lead, Rural Medicine
Jordan Amor-Robertson Doctor
Megan Halliday Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 

Peter Wallis Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics
Priyantha (PD) Wijesurendra Doctor, Rural Generalist
Raelene Brunette
Registered Aboriginal Health Practitioner, Child Health Program Coordinator
Shelley Parker Child and Family Health Nurse and Midwife
Verity Powell Registered Nurse and Midwife

Child and Youth Health

Alex Wetten Senior Policy Officer, Dietitian
Amy Burraston
Andrew White
Academic, Specialist Doctor Paediatrics
Angela Agostini
Acting Director, Strategy Policy and Planning, Child and Family Health Nurse and Midwife
Angela Titmuss
Specialist Doctor, Paediatric Endocrinology
Anne Chang
Professor, Specialist Doctor Paediatric Respiratory
Anthea Brand Academic, Dietitian
Cathy Woods Nurse Practitioner 
Christine Becker Team Leader, Child and Family Health Nurse
Clare Boerma Associate Medical Director, Family Planning
Dana Fitzsimmons Deputy Director Medical Services, Population and Primary Health Care
Danielle Aquino Academic, Dietitian
David Atkinson Professor & Clinical Lead, Rural Medicine
Fiona Kay Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics

Gabrielle McCallum Academic, Specialist Nurse, Paediatric Respiratory
Gillian Chat
Senior Policy Officer, Dietitian
Hannah Johnston
Manager, Community Allied Health Team, Physiotherapist
Hazel Erickson Child and Family Health Nurse 
Jacinda Roberts
James Dowler Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics
Judith Myers Academic, Dietitian
Nick Fancourt Academic, Specialist Doctor Paediatrics
Peter May Specialist Doctor, Emergency Medicine
Peter Wallis Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics
Rachel Buckley Clinical Nurse Consultant, Adolescent Health
Roxane Craig Senior Doctor, Psychologist 
Shelley Parker Child and Family Health Nurse and Midwife
Simone Martin Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics/Neonatology
Sue Kruske
Professor in Primary Health Care, Midwife and Child Health Nurse
Sue Lenthall Assoc Professor, Registered Nurse

Chronic Conditions

Adrienne MacKenzie Specialist Nurse, Respiratory
Anna Wood Specialist Doctor, Endocrinology
Brooke Ah Shay Doctor
Cherie Whitbread Registered Nurse, Diabetes Educator
Diana MacKay Specialist Doctor, Endocrinology
Edwina Biancardi Respiratory Physician
Holi Catton Diabetes Educator, Registered Nurse
Jennifer Alison Academic, Physiotherapist
Karenlee Hess Nurse Practitioner 
Leanne Elliott-Holmes Senior Asthma Educator, Executive Manager
Louise Maple-Brown Professor, Specialist Doctor Endocrinology
Marianne Cummins Specialist Nurse, Psychogeriatrics

Michael Foster Specialist Doctor, Emergency Medicine
Michael Lowe Specialist Doctor, Geriatrics
Nadarajah Kangaharan Specialist Doctor Cardiology, Director Medicine
Peter May Specialist Doctor, Emergency Medicine
Rosalind Webby Doctor
Ryan Bonnefin Manager, Podiatry and Prosthetics
Sajan Thomas Specialist Doctor, Nephrology
Sajith Nayar Specialist Doctor, Nephrology
Sally Lamond Senior Podiatrist
Stuart Mobsby Nurse Practitioner 
Subash Heraganahally Assoc Professor, Specialist Doctor, Respiratory & Sleep Medicine
Susanne Schmitt Doctor
Terrie Ivanhoe Chronic Disease Manager, Nurse Practitioner

Ears, Eyes, Oral and Skin Health

Amanda Leach Professor, Ear Health Research
Anna Ralph Professor, Specialist Doctor Global and Tropical Health
Asha Bowen Academic, Specialist Doctor Infectious Diseases
Claudia Sampson Doctor
Dana Slape Specialist Doctor, Dermatology
Eline Whist Specialist Doctor, Ophthamology
Fabian Chiong Specialist Doctor, Infectious Diseases
Ian McCrossin Specialist Doctor, Dermatology 
Katherine Middleton Doctor
Lien Trinh Optometrist
Lucy Davidson Doctor

Maleta Seiler Senior Dentist, Clinical Manager Policy and Planning 
Mary Woolcock Specialist Nurse
Rhiannon Russell
Doctor, Physiotherapist
Rosalie Schultz Academic, Specialist Doctor Public Health
Sandy Bell Nurse Practitioner 
Simon Wooley Dentist
Sudharsan Venkatesan Specialist Doctor, Infectious Diseases
Timothy Henderson Specialist Doctor, Ophthamology
Trish Slocum
Principal Policy Officer, Oral Health


Alex Sozanski Specialist Nurse and Midwife
Ann-Maree Lynch Manager Poisons Centre
Bart Currie Professor, Specialist Doctor Tropical Medicine & Infectious Diseases
Bridget Honan Specialist Doctor, Emergency Medicine
Daniel Adams Specialist Doctor, Emergency Medicine
Daniel Harris Specialist Doctor, Anaesthetics and Retrieval Medicine
Elizabeth Lim Specialist Poisons Information
Fabian Chiong Specialist Doctor, Infectious Diseases
Geoff Isbister Professor, Specialist Doctor Toxicology

Jason Armstrong Specialist Doctor Emergency and Toxicology, Medical Director Poisons Centre
Linda Quinn
Specialist Nurse, Burns
Mike Langran Doctor
Peter May Specialist Doctor, Emergency Medicine
Rebecca Henshaw Doctor
Richard Barnett Specialist Doctor, Plastic Surgery
Sandy Bell Nurse Practitioner 
Stuart Harper Specialist Nurse, Burns
Tamsin Cockayne Specialist Doctor, Medical Director Retrievals
Thanh-Thao (Adriana) Le Specialist Doctor, Clinical Immunology/Allergy
Winnie Chen Doctor

Family Safety

Annie Whybourne Academic, Specialist Doctor Paediatrics
Darien Duffy Senior Policy Officer Health Improvement 
Julie Ngahere Social Worker, Senior Policy Officer Women’s Health
Lisa Waters Doctor

General Medicine

Alexander Duncan Training Officer, First Aid
Annie Tangey Registered Nurse and Midwife
Bart Currie Professor, Specialist Doctor Tropical Medicine & Infectious Diseases
Belinda Greenwood-Smith Doctor, Coordinator CDC
Bianca Middleton Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics
Bill Pettit Medical Entomologist
Brooke Spaeth Academic, Point-of-Care Testing
Catherine Gargan Doctor
Christine Sanderson Specialist Doctor, Palliative Care
Erica Petrovic Academic, Registered Nurse
Georgina Taylor Doctor
Gurmeet Singh Academic, Specialist Doctor Paediatrics
Guy Krippner Medicinal Chemist, Executive General Manager Commercialisation
Heather Jensen Academic, Occupational Therapist
Jacob Koshy Specialist Doctor Anaesthetics, Director of Anaesthetics and Consultant in Pain Medicine
James Dowler Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics
James Duthie Specialist Doctor, Urology
Jane Davies Academic, Specialist Doctor Infectious Diseases
Jennifer Byrnes Nurse Practitioner 
Jenny Pechey Specialist  Nurse, Continence and Stoma
Joshua Davis Professor Infectious Diseases, Specialist Doctor Tropical Medicine
Karon Lamb Training Manager, First Aid

Katherine Jeffress Doctor
Kathryn Refshauge
Professor, Physiotherapy
Lloyd Einsiedel
Specialist Doctor Infectious Diseases, Associate Director of Research Aboriginal Health
Mark Shephard Professor, Director International Centre Point-of-Care Testing
Matthew Simpson Specialist Paramedic
Peter Bennett Doctor
Richard Barnett
Specialist Doctor, Plastic Surgery
Richard Davey Doctor, Pathologist
Roger Goucke Associate Professor, Specialist Doctor Pain Medicine
Rosalie Schultz Academic, Specialist Doctor Public Health
Sandy Bell Nurse Practitioner 
Simon Smith Specialist Doctor Infectious Diseases
Simone Martin Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics/Neonatology
Stephen Brady
Specialist Doctor Rheumatology, Head of Medicine
Steve Milanese Physiotherapist 
Stuart Mobsby Nurse Practitioner 
Sue Lenthall Assoc Professor, Registered Nurse
Susan Matthews Deputy Director, International Centre Point-of-Care Testing
Tom Snelling Professor Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Trudy Maunsell Specialist Nurse, Pain Management
Trudy Rebbeck Associate Professor, Physiotherapy
Winnie Chen Doctor
Zachary Dunne Training Officer, First Aid

Infectious Disease

Anna Ralph Professor, Specialist Doctor Global and Tropical Health
Asha Bowen Academic, Specialist Doctor Infectious Diseases
Bart Currie Professor, Specialist Doctor Tropical Medicine & Infectious Diseases
Belinda Greenwood-Smith Doctor, Coordinator CDC 
Emma Childs Nurse Management Consultant, Public Health
Hilary Bloomfield Registered Nurse and Midwife

Kimberley McMahon Specialist Nurse
Nancy Merridew
Pasqualina Coffey Doctor
Richelle Stannard Specialist Nurse, Infection Prevention
Rosalie Schultz Academic, Specialist Doctor Public Health
Shereen Labib Doctor
Vicki Krause Specialist Doctor, Public Health
Victoria Cox Doctor


Alice Gilbert Pharmacist
Amelia Arandiga
Amy Legg
Anna Denson
Clinical Nurse and Midwifery Educator
Brynley Cooper Senior Pharmacist
Cameron Phillips
Academic, Senior Pharmacist
Cassandra Potts
Chui Soon
Colleen Niland
Danny Tsai Academic, Pharmacist
Donny Teoh
Emma Sykes
Eng Whui Poh
Fiona Cameron
Registered Nurse and Midwife
Jacob Whitty Pharmacist
John Morgan 
Justin Busbridge Registered Nurse

Kylie van Rooijen Pharmacist
Lisa Wark
Louise Quinn Pharmacist
Lynda Roberts
Child Health Nurse
Nicola Maddern
Pilar Cubillo
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner
Rebecca Curr Specialist Nurse, Immunisation and Surveillance
Rebecca Larcombe Deputy Director Pharmacy
Samuel Keitaanpaa
Siang Cheah Pharmacist
Simon La Forgia
Skevos Lelekis Pharmacist
Teana Brewster-O'Brien
Thomas Eason Pharmacist
Tobias Speare
Academic, Pharmacist

Mental Health & Alcohol and Other Drugs

Chris Holmwood Specialist Doctor Addiction Medicine, Director Drug and Alcohol Services
Christine Watson Specialist Doctor Addiction Medicine, Director Addiction Medical Services
Daisy Burgoyne Policy Officer, Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
Dan Wilson Specialist Doctor, Addiction Medicine
David Thomas Professor, Head of Tobacco Control Research,  Doctor
James Tierney Medical Student
Jen Craig Senior Doctor, Psychologist 

Jennifer Delima Specialist Doctor Addiction, Director Addiction and Clinical Forensic Medicine
Kane Vellar Doctor
Kate Argentino Senior Clinical Psychologist
Monique Broeders Social Worker, Coordinator Social Emotional Wellbeing program
Mrigendra Das Specialist Doctor, Psychiatry
Reece Cossar Psychologist
Roxane Craig Senior Doctor, Psychologist

Remote Health

Alison Welsh Specialist Nurse, Prison Health
Anna Denson Clinical Nurse and Midwifery Educator
Dy Kelaart Registered Nurse, District Manager Prison Health Service 

Gillian Perriment Doctor
Karl Chandler
Transport & Logistics
Saneesh Thomas Registered Nurse
Tanya Davies Medical Director, Health Equity

Sexual Health

Anne Coffey Specialist Doctor, Fertility/Obstetrics
Annie Tangey Registered Nurse and Midwife
Belinda Hengel Research Fellow
Clare Boerma Associate Medical Director, Family Planning
Helen Goodwin Remote Sexual Health Manager, Registered Nurse
Jo Molloy Doctor
Julie Ngahere Social Worker, Senior Policy Officer Women’s Health

Kasia Siwicki Specialist Doctor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Manoji Gunathilake Sexual Health Physician
Rae-Lin Huang STI Control and HIV Prevention Coordinator, Doctor, Public Health
Roisin Steward Sexual Health Coordinator, Registered Nurse

Women’s Health including Pregnancy

Alex Sozanski Specialist Nurse and Midwife
Alvaro Cervera Specialist Doctor, Neurology
Angela Wilson Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics
Anthea Brand Academic, Dietitian
Belinda Jennings Senior Midwifery Consultant 
Bridget Honan Specialist Doctor, Emergency Medicine
Caitlin Steiner Registered Nurse and Midwife
Catherine Gargan Doctor
Cherie Whitbread Registered Nurse, Diabetes Educator
Danielle Geddes Registered Nurse
Dennis Bonney Specialist Doctor, Paediatrics/Neonatology
Erin O’Connor Clinical Governance Consultant, Registered Nurse and Midwife
Glenda Gleeson Clinical Midwifery Manager 
Isabelle Coffey Child Health Nurse, Midwife and Lactation Consultant
Jane Davies Academic, Specialist Doctor Infectious Diseases
Jane Myers Registered Nurse and Midwife, Lactation Consultant
Jane Thorn Specialist Doctor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Jasmine Banner Doctor, Rural Obstetrics
Jenny Pechey Specialist  Nurse, Continence and Stoma
Jeremy Oats Professor, Specialist Doctor Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Karenlee Hess Nurse Practitioner 
Karrina DeMasi Senior Policy Officer, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Professional, Registered Nurse and Midwife
Kasia Siwicky Specialist Doctor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Lauren Arnold Clinical Director, Specialist Doctor, Breast Physician
Leonie Conn Registered Nurse and Midwife
Louise Farrell Specialist Doctor, Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Louise Maple-Brown Professor, Specialist Doctor Endocrinology
Matthew Hare Specialist Doctor, Endocrinology
Megan Halliday Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 
Nimalee Kanakkahewa Specialist Doctor, Psychiatry
Phillippa Binns Specialist Doctor, Public Health Medicine and General Practice
Pratish George Specialist Doctor, Nephrology
Sarah Saunders Specialist Doctor, Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Sue McDonald Professor, Registered Nurse and Midwife
Sue Roth Registered Nurse and Midwife, Lactation Consultant
Verity Powell Registered Nurse and Midwife

Meet our Secondary Reviewers 

Our Secondary Reviewers are users of the manuals. They are remote primary health care clinicians with a range of experience in remote health, who provide guidance on whether the protocols are easy to understand, applicable, appropriate, and relevant to daily practice.

Alison Welsh
Amelia Robson
Andrew Urquhart
Anna Flynn
April Saladores
Cathy Starr
Christian Wright
Damien Milne
Dana Fitzsimmons 
Felix Ho
Francesca Garnett
Imogen Stafford
Jane Whitehead
Janet McCulloch
Jennie McDowall
Justin Busbridge
Katrina Lloyd
Leonie McLaughlin
Loretta Bancroft
Louise Paxton
Maricar Alcedo
Mark Ramjan
Melissa Van Leeuwen
Natalia Adanichkin
Nicole Cantrill
Paula Saunders
Rebecca Bond
Rina Glucina
Rod Campain
Sally Nelson
Sara Noonan
Shelly Parker
Sung Lee

Teana Brewster-O'Brien
Teem-Wing Yip
Teresa Hyatt
Tony Clark

Click the button below to express your interest in becoming a Secondary Reviewer. 


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