
bite on limb Immobilisation for a snake bite

blue ringed octopus​  Immobilisation for a snake bite

cone shell stings  Immobilisation for a snake bite

sea and land snake bites  Immobilisation for a snake bite

snake bite  Immobilisation for a snake bite


human papiloma virus (HPV)  Cervical cancer prevention and screening


storage  Storing and transporting vaccines and medicines

Impacted faeces 

Rectal examination

Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) 



Skin infections


Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC)


medicines  Managing a remote clinic dispensary

Incision and drainage of abscess 

Cutting and draining an abscess


healthy lifestyle  Pelvic floor exercises

pelvic floor exercises  Pelvic floor exercises

urinary  Urinary incontinence

Individual screen

adult health check  Adult Health Check


anaemia Anaemia (weak blood) in children and youth

chest infection Chest infections (2 months to 5 years)

diet  Infant and child nutrition

excess growth Infant, child, youth growth (0-17 years)

growth faltering Infant, child, youth growth (0-17 years)

growth  Infant, child, youth growth (0-17 years)

nappy rash  Rashes

nutrition  Infant and child nutrition

urinary tract infection  Urine problems (2 months to 12 years)


chest physiotherapy  Chest physiotherapy

Infected burn



infant chest Chest infections (2 months to 5 years)

athlete’s foot Tinea

bacterial vaginosis Vaginal discharge

bladder  Urine problems — over 12 years

bone Bone infection

catheter site CAPD  Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

chest (2mth-5years) Chest infections (2 months to 5 years)

chest (over 5 years)  Chest infections — over 5 years

child respiratory Chest infections (2 months to 5 years)
Chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis in children

child urinary    Urine problems (2 months to 12 years)

corneal Eye problems

dental Dental and oral problems

ear Ear and hearing problems

endometritis Childbirth postpartum infections

face Dental and oral problems

grommets Ear and hearing problems

group B streptococcus  Group B Streptococcus infection

gum Dental and oral problems

infant respiratory Chest infections (2 months to 5 years)

infant respiratory  Chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis in children

infant urinary  Urine problems (2 months to 12 years)

jock itch Tinea

joint Joint problems

kidney  Urine problems — over 12 years

melioidosis  Melioidosis

mouth Dental and oral problems

pharyngitis Sore throat

postnatal Childbirth postpartum infections

postpartum Childbirth postpartum infections

respiratory (over 5 years) Chest infections — over 5 years

ringworm Tinea

testes  Testicular Pain

throat Sore throat

tinea Tinea

tonsillitis Sore throat

tuberculosis  Tuberculosis

urinary tract (UTI) Urine infections in pregnancy

urine Urine infections in pregnancy

urine adult  Urine problems — over 12 years

urine youth  Urine problems — over 12 years

uterus Childbirth postpartum infections

vaginal discharge candidiasis (thrush) Vaginal discharge

young people sexual health  STI checks for young people


male sexual health  STI checks for men

sexual health women STI management for women

skin marine  Water-related skin infections

skin salt water  Water-related skin infections

skin  Skin infections

vaginal swabs Self-collected lower vaginal swabs (LVS)

water-related skin  Water-related skin infections


investigations  Infertility

management  Infertility


liver Hepatitis


Chest infections — over 5 years

Inhaled foreign body

Chest infections (2 months to 5 years)


administration  Giving injections

drug calculations  Calculating medicine doses and drip rates

intradermal  Giving injections

intramuscular Giving injections

preferred sites  Giving injections

preparation  Giving injections

subcutaneous cannula  Giving injections

subcutaneous  Giving injections

Z-track technique Giving injections


abdomen  Injuries — abdomen and pelvis

abdominal Injuries in pregnancy

arm  Injuries — limbs

bleeding limb  Injuries — bleeding

bleeding  Injuries — bleeding

chest wound Injuries — chest

chest  Injuries — chest

fingers  Injuries — fingers

fractured ribs  Injuries — chest

head Injuries — head

internal bleeding  Injuries — bleeding

internal haemorrhage  Injuries — abdomen and pelvis

leg  Injuries — limbs

limbs  Injuries — limbs

pelvic splinting Injuries — abdomen and pelvis

pelvis Injuries — abdomen and pelvis

pelvis  Injuries — abdomen and pelvis

pneumothorax Injuries — chest

pregnancy Injuries in pregnancy


back Injuries — spinal

blunt eye Eye injuries

burn to eye/s Eye injuries

eye Eye injuries

joint Sprains and strains

knife wound  Injuries — soft tissue

neck Injuries — spinal

penetrating eye Eye injuries

penetrating  Injuries — soft tissue

severe  Injuries — soft tissue

soft tissue  Injuries — soft tissue

spear wound  Injuries — soft tissue

spinal Injuries — spinal

stab wounds  Injuries — spear and knife (stab) wounds

stab wound  Injuries — soft tissue





pregnancy  Diabetes in pregnancy

Insulin resistance


polycystic ovary syndrome  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Intercostal catheter

insertion  Chest procedures

Internal bleeding

Injuries — bleeding

International normalised ratio (INR)


Interpreting coma score

Injuries — head


kava  Kava

opioids  Opioids

stimulants  Amphetamines and other stimulants

Intragastric tube

insertion   Putting in nasogastric tube (NGT)

Intraosseous access

device types  Putting in intraosseous needle

insertion sites  Putting in intraosseous needle

insertion  Putting in intraosseous needle

Intraosseous needle

Putting in intraosseous needle

Intrauterine device (ICD)

contraception  Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC)

Intravenous cannula

insertion  Putting in IV cannula and starting a drip

Intravenous infusion

administering medication Giving IV medicines by injection

drip rate calculation  Calculating medicine doses and drip rates

medicines dose calculation Calculating medicine doses and drip rates

Intravenous injection

administering medication  Giving IV medicines by injection

Introducing solid food

Infant and child nutrition

Introducing solid foods

Postnatal nutrition for mother and baby (up to 6 months old)


uterus  Uterine inversion


Eye problems

Iron deficiency anaemia

pregnancy  Anaemia (weak blood) in pregnancy

Iron deficiency

adults Anaemia (weak blood) in adults

infant Anaemia (weak blood) in children and youth

youth  Anaemia (weak blood) in children and youth

Iron intravenous infusion 

Giving iron by IV infusion

Iron replacement

IV infusion Anaemia (weak blood) in pregnancy

IV infusion  Anaemia (weak blood) in adults

oral  Anaemia (weak blood) in adults
Anaemia (weak blood) in pregnancy

Iron rich foods

pregnancy Anaemia (weak blood) in pregnancy

Iron supplement

adult  Anaemia (weak blood) in adults

anaemia prevention Anaemia (weak blood) in children and youth

anaemia treatment Anaemia (weak blood) in children and youth

child Anaemia (weak blood) in children and youth

youth Anaemia (weak blood) in children and youth

Iron supplements

pregnancy Anaemia (weak blood) in pregnancy

Iron-rich food 

Infant and child nutrition


deficiency:child Anaemia (weak blood) in children and youth

pregnancy Anaemia (weak blood) in pregnancy

Irukandji sting 

Bites, stings and poisonings — marine


sting  Bites, stings and poisonings — marine

Ischaemic heart disease 

Coronary artery disease


vulva  Vulval problems


scabies  Scabies

IV access

butterfly needle Putting in butterfly IV needle

IV cannula insertion 

Putting in IV cannula and starting a drip

IV fluids

starting a drip  Putting in IV cannula and starting a drip

IV insertion

Putting in IV cannula and starting a drip