Signs and symptoms
Possible cause
Fast breathing, cough, tachycardia, fever (Temp more than 38°C), looks unwell
Chest infection
Cough, fast breathing, wheeze, runny nose — age 2–11 months
Cough, fast breathing, wheeze, runny nose, fever — age 1 year and over
Viral induced wheeze — medical consult
Frequent night cough
Frequent chest infections, chronic moist or productive cough
Chronic Suppurative Lung Disease
Coughing in spells, with or without whoop
Vomiting, going red in face, cyanosis (blue lips), apnoea (stopping breathing) with
coughing spells
Whooping Cough — medical consult
Noisy breathing, wheeze
Story of choking on something
Inhaled foreign body — medical consult
Barking cough, stridor (noisy when breathing in)
Croup — medical consult
Fast breathing, tachycardia, pallor, cyanosis, sweating, difficulty feeding
Known heart problems, fast breathing, sweating, thready pulse, fatigue, oedema
Fever (infection elsewhere) may expose underlying heart problems
Heart failure — medical consult
Rapid breathing without signs of increased work of breathing
Often with abdominal pain, vomiting and tachycardia
Diabetic ketoacidosis — medical consult